The Ragweed Finder app enables mobile reporting of ragweed finds from all over Austria. Learn to recognize ragweed, check your find with the checklist, photograph your find and report it to us. You will receive confirmation that the report has been received and you will be informed whether it is ragweed or not. Each actual find appears on the find map, which can also be viewed publicly at There you will also find old find reports from previous years since the Ragweed Finder was implemented.
As Austrian pollen information, we are aware of the problems of the neophyte ragweed. However, ragweed is not only a major problem for the health sector, it also causes costs for road maintenance, in agriculture and in general in the economic sector. In the Ragweed Finder you can find out more and everything you need to know about the topic.
In addition to reporting the find, you can also let us know whether you suffer from a ragweed pollen allergy and how severe the local exposure is. In this way, we are able to more precisely record the population of ragweed, which sometimes varies greatly from year to year, and to take targeted measures on the part of the participating institutions.
We evaluate every report of a find and forward all verified finds to our cooperation partners with the aim of reducing the spread of ragweed, recognizing hot spots better and reducing the suffering of ragweed pollen allergy sufferers in the long term.